Based on the goal of continuously helping our customers meet the ever-changing challenges of pipeline construction, Burana also provides high-precision single- and dual-head welding systems, external and internal welding machines, copper backup clamps, pipe facing machines, and support equipment.
Burana is the one company that offers you solution options that precisely meet your productivity and budget goals.
An integral part of any pipe system is the method used to join the system components. Proper engineering design of a system will take into consideration the type and effectiveness of the techniques used to join the piping components and appurtenances, as well as the durability of the resulting joints. The integrity and versatility of the joining techniques used for PE pipe allow the designer to take advantage of the performance benefits of PE in a wide variety of applications.
PE pipe or fittings are joined to each other by heat fusion or with mechanical fittings. PE pipe may be joined to other pipe materials by means of compression fittings, flanges, or other qualified types of manufactured transition fittings. There are many types and styles of fittings available from which the user may choose. Each offers its particular advantages and limitations for each joining situation the user may encounter. Contact with the various manufacturers is advisable for guidance in proper applications and styles available for joining as described in this document.

Gor detailed insight into pipe fusion techniques